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Mobile frequency conversion detection system of State Grid Electric Power Research Institute

  • times:2438
  • time:2022/8/24 15:19:31
  • Author:银河电气

One.Introduction to mobile frequency conversion detection system of State Grid Electric Power Research Institute

Introduction to mobile frequency conversion detection system of State Grid Electric Power Research Institute

  The State Grid Electric Power Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the State Grid Electric Power Research Institute) is a scientific research unit directly under the State Grid Corporation of China. Its headquarters is located in Nanjing, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, which is known as "Longshan and Longpan in Zhongshan and Huju in Shicheng". It has a research area in Wuhan and scientific research and industrial bases in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places. State Grid Electric Power Research Institute is the supporting unit of the "National Electric Power Automation Engineering Technology Research Center" of the Ministry of science and technology of the people's Republic of China, the "National Engineering Research Center for power system automation system control and economic operation" of the national development and Reform Commission, the "National high voltage metering station" and the "ultra high voltage AC test base of the State Grid Corporation of China". It is mainly engaged in power system automation, AC and DC high voltage technology, measurement and control of water conservancy and hydropower projects Research, development and application of communication and information engineering, intelligent primary equipment and power electronics technology.

  This set of mobile frequency conversion detection system is mainly used for the detection and testing of customer field equipment by the experimental verification center of State Grid Electric Power Research Institute. The mobile frequency conversion detection system is equipped with 3-way voltage and 3-way current test channels. The universal wheel mobile cabinet installation design is adopted, which can conveniently collect and test parameters such as field voltage, current, power, frequency, harmonic and efficiency.

Two.Mobile frequency conversion detection system

  application topology of mobile frequency conversion detection system

Figure: application topology of mobile frequency conversion detection system

Three.Equipment configuration table of mobile frequency conversion detection system

Measuring point Equipment name model quantity
Three way input measuring point Current sensor VSV103-G150T02-I
  Variable frequency power analyzer WP4000 1

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