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National wind power generation technology and testing laboratory of wind power

  • times:3790
  • time:2017/3/22 15:49:49

One.Summary of National wind power generation technology and testing

  The national offshore wind power generation technology and detection of key laboratory by the State Ministry of science and technology award, is China's only a Key Laboratory of offshore wind power, can provide the type test and factory test for 3.3KV/8MW medium voltage permanent magnet wind generator, wind power converter, grid connected transformer, provides performance detection a full range of services for direct drive offshore wind turbine test in 2010 of Chinese first 5MW permanet magnet, impetus to the development of wind power technology in China has reached the international advanced level. The test platform for the national offshore wind power technology and testing Key Laboratory of wind power generator test, testing to provide key data support.

Two.Live picture of National wind power generation technology and testing laboratory of wind power

Live picture of National wind power generation technology and testing laboratory of wind power

Live picture of National wind power generation technology and testing laboratory of wind power


Three.Schematic diagram of National wind power generation technology and testing laboratory of wind power

Schematic diagram of National wind power generation technology and testing laboratory of wind power

Four.National wind power generation technology and testing key laboratory wind power test equipment list

Measuring point Device name Model Number Remarks
SP1~2 Variable frequency power sensor SP332202C 6
SP3~4 Variable frequency power sensor SP332202C 6
SP5 Variable frequency power sensor SP332202C 6 Parallel use
SP6 Variable frequency power sensor SP332202C 6 Parallel use
SP7 Variable frequency power sensor SP103152C 4 Two watt parallel method
SP8 Variable frequency power sensor SP103152C 4 Two watt parallel method

Variable frequency power sensor WP4000 6

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